How to Get Help

The Pro Bono Project provides legal service for residents in the following parishes: Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, and Washington. We will inquire about your income to determine eligibility.

We do not assist with criminal matters, legal emergencies, personal injury, contested custody, or contested successions.

To Apply For Services Follow These Steps

All information must be complete or we may not process your application. Proof of income is required and must be included when submitting an application. Select one of the following applications:

If your issue is on Adoption, Bankruptcy, Child Support, or Divorce, you must complete an additional questionnaire. Do not forget to include the Application for Legal Services form from above when you submit your application.  

Complete each application in its entirety. Proof of monthly income is required. Make copies of your monthly income documents (e.g., SSI award letters; food stamp cards; two bi-weekly check stubs; four weekly check stubs; pension letter; etc.). Never submit original documents.
You can submit your completed application via:

Call us at 504.581.4043. All applications are processed in the order they are received. We will contact you regarding next steps.

Additional Legal Resources

Emergency Civil Legal Problems
Southeast Louisiana Legal Services

Discrimination/Employment Discrimination
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Civil Rights Violations/Unlawful Discrimination
American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana

Fee Generating Cases/Complex Cases
New Orleans Bar Association
Lawyer Referral Service provides referrals to attorneys who can
represent you on a contingency basis or on a sliding scale fee.
Online directory

Criminal Legal Problems
Orleans Indigent Defender Program

Jefferson Indigent Defender Program

Online Resources 

The following are resources available through various nonprofit agencies in Louisiana. These are great resources for all citizens of our state.  

Legal Proof
"Track the Evidence - Be Prepared in Court!" Upload photos and email to your landlord, spouse, friend, or yourself. Create new proof in the following areas of law:

  • Divorce

  • Custody/Visitation

  • Domestic Violence

  • Wills/Probate/Succession

  • Landlord/Tenant

  • Property Damage

  • Medical/Disability 

Louisiana Law Help
Louisiana Law Help is an online resource for people living on low-incomes and the legal organizations that serve them. This resource provides referrals to local legal aid and public interest law offices, basic information about legal rights, self-help information, court information, links to social service agencies, and more. Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Corporation administers the Louisiana's Law Help Project, which is made possible by funding from Legal Services Corporation and the Louisiana Bar Foundation.