The National Pro Bono Celebration, created by The ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, focuses the nation's attention on the increased need for pro bono services during these challenging economic times and celebrates the outstanding work of lawyers who volunteer their services throughout the year. It is essential that the entire legal community engage in conversation and action that results in equal access to justice for all. The energy generated by the National Pro Bono Celebration is a powerful force that helps us build a just legal system.
Read more about this week-long celebration.
The Project is hosting the following:
Clinics needing volunteers during the National Pro Bono Celebration Week
- Monday, 10/20 9-11 am
Jefferson Council on Aging
265 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie - Monday 10/20 and Wednesday 10/22 10-noon and 1-3 pm
Self help desk at CDC - Tuesday, 10/21 1-2 pm
New Orleans Mission
1130-40 Oretha Castle Haley, NOLA - Friday, 10/24 10-noon
Self help desk at CDC - Saturday, 10/25, Noon to 2 pm
Consumer Clinic
1019 N. Prieur, NOLA
Please send Linton Carney an email if you want to volunteer for any of the above clinics.
The Pro Bono Project and Capital One Legal Department is hosting a Divorce Workshop on Tuesday, 10/21 from 9 am to noon. This event is fully staffed by Capital One volunteers and will provide services for 65 clients with pre-arranged appointments.
All In The Family CLE (free) - Tuesday, October 21. For more information and to register: Family Law CLE