Tuesday, May 3rd is GiveNOLA Day! Join us in supporting The Pro Bono Project at https://www.givenola.org/pro-bono-project as part of your GiveNOLA Day! You can learn more about the work of The Project at http://probono-no.org.
The Project's role connecting seniors, children, and families with pro bono lawyers is vital to ensuring that the most vulnerable access the civil justice system. Your donation of time, talent, or resources allows them to continue addressing these needs. From hosting community clinics and operating self-help resource centers, to representing clients in case matters, our staff and volunteers continue to provide critically needed services. Our volunteers work with clients in-person and remotely to resolve their civil legal issue. Please support our mission to provide quality legal services to under-served members of our community. From now until midnight, every gift of $10 or more given at https://www.givenola.org/pro-bono-project makes The Pro Bono Project eligible to win a $1,000 through Rock Around the Clock, the randomly selected prize given each hour to any participating nonprofit that received a donation in that hour! Their 2022 GiveNOLA Day Campaign goal is: $15,000!
Thank you for joining with us in opening the doors to access justice by supporting The Pro Bono Project today. Together, we can make a difference in our community.
Check out The Pro Bono Project on Twitter at https://twitter.com/pbpnola; Instagram https://www.instagram.com/pbpnola/ and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/probono.no.org/ Use their hashtag: #GiveNOLApbp