On July 17th, The Pro Bono Project, in partnership with Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans, hosted an online CLE - Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Representing Juvenile Immigrants. Over forty people attended this three-hour virtual training that offered substantive information on representing children as they make their way through state juvenile court.
Read More2017 National Pro Bono Celebration Week
This week is a time to celebrate the work done by pro bono volunteers across the country.
Although we are always applauding our volunteers, National Pro Bono Week gives us a chance to celebrate our lawyers, paralegals, translators and other legal and lay volunteers who provide their time, talent and funds to power the work of The Project.
Read MoreClosing the Healthcare Gap: Medical-Legal Partnership Opens a New Door
Healthcare in the United States has been a major issue for the past several decades. Regardless of whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, working or retired – the cost of healthcare has escalated exponentially in the past 30 years.
In 2013, the year before the Affordable Care Act began, more than 42 million citizens were uninsured – that’s about 13% of the population. Since then, reports show that number has dropped by approximately 16.5 million people.
But what about the 25.5 million Americans that still don’t have health insurance? Many are uninsured because they still can’t afford it, are ineligible in some way or have completely opted out of the health insurance marketplace.
In most cases, these folks are using community health centers that provide basic care and offer services beyond those of pharmacy-run “minute clinics.” Most community health centers serve both the insured and uninsured. This setting has revealed the tremendous gap in healthcare delivery, which often requires a legal solution to fill.
Read MoreNotes: November 2015 In Brief
All year, we've been celebrating YOU through the hours you've given, the cases and clinics you've worked, the CLEs you've attended so you can be more knowledgeable pro bono lawyers, the funds you've given to enable us to continually respond to the needs of the community in the six parishes we serve and the fun times we've had bowling, dancing and partying together for a good cause.
Read MoreIt's October: National Pro Bono Celebration Is Here
For the past seven years, the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service has shined the spotlight during October on the increasing need for pro bono services, and the lawyers and other professionals who lend their time and talent to those who cannot afford, but need, the services of a civil lawyer.
Read MorePB & J: Even MORE Than The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread ...
The Pro Bono Project has joined forces with Pro Bono & Juveniles Program (PB & J) begun by immigration lawyer, Kathleen Gasparian (r), formerly of Ware | Gasparian, and now at Gasparian Immigration.
Read MoreAll in the Family ...
So, what's a corporate lawyer know about Family Law?
Read MoreCINC CLE: A Learning Experience
The CINC CLE held at the Bar Center on July 18th was jam-packed. Here's a glimpse of the day's activities.
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