Thanksgiving - A Time to Reflect

Thanksgiving is a time to pause and be grateful. The Pro Bono Project is deeply appreciative of all our volunteers, supporters, and funders. Without you, we would be unable to provide legal services and access to justice to the most vulnerable in our community.

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Volunteers Needed to Assist Those Facing Evicion

The Pro Bono Project is proud to partner with @SLLS to address the urgent legal needs of tenants facing evictions in our community. To that end, we are recruiting volunteers who are interested in providing brief legal advice to these clients so that they are prepared for the challenges they face in eviction proceedings. Volunteers will interact with clients on a virtual basis, providing legal information and advice. Volunteers will sign up for available shifts on Tuesday afternoons to contact clients. Training and mentorship available to volunteers.

If you are interested in assisting with the provision of this service, please sign up at: or contact Director of Legal Services, Jesse George at , to find out how to get involved.

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In Memory of Katrina - Fifteen Years Later

Fifteen years after Katrina, Southeast Louisiana is struggling with challenges both new and old. In commemoration of this anniversary, we pay tribute to the many people who came to the aid of The Pro Bono Project in the days after Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of our beloved City.

We recount some of the many stories from the moment when we realized that both our clients and our volunteers were spread across the country, as was our entire population, right up until the present day.

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The 2018 Agenda: Collaboration At The Heart of Pro Bono Legal Services

It takes many hands to open doors to access civil justice for those in need. The strong partnership between The Pro Bono Project, its staff and hundreds of volunteer lawyers, paralegals, law students, and other professional and lay volunteers is the just the beginning.

Only through collaboration with our partners in the Access to Justice community can the mission of The Project ultimately come to life. As we move forward in 2018, collaboration is at the heart of our agenda, just as it is at the heart of serving our pro bono clients.

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Partnering Up to Offer Pro Se Help at Orleans Civil District Court

With the guidance of and funding from the Louisiana Bar Foundation (LBF), The Pro Bono Project, Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS), and the Family Justice Center (FJC) will team up to staff the Orleans Parish Civil District Court (CDC) Self-Help Desk. The Project will serve as the operation lead. 

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Closing the Healthcare Gap: Medical-Legal Partnership Opens a New Door

Healthcare in the United States has been a major issue for the past several decades. Regardless of whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, working or retired – the cost of healthcare has escalated exponentially in the past 30 years.

In 2013, the year before the Affordable Care Act began, more than 42 million citizens were uninsured – that’s about 13% of the population. Since then, reports show that number has dropped by approximately 16.5 million people

But what about the 25.5 million Americans that still don’t have health insurance? Many are uninsured because they still can’t afford it, are ineligible in some way or have completely opted out of the health insurance marketplace.

In most cases, these folks are using community health centers that provide basic care and offer services beyond those of pharmacy-run “minute clinics.” Most community health centers serve both the insured and uninsured. This setting has revealed the tremendous gap in healthcare delivery, which often requires a legal solution to fill.

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Applause For Our Volunteers

The house was full on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 for The Project's annual Volunteer Appreciation Awards and Reception at Jones Walker, which followed the year-end Professionalism CLE, "Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Discovery." (See related story: CLE)

Thanks to all who turned out to applaud their colleagues for their tremendous efforts in 2015,  which saw more than 2,200 people helped in just over 1,400 cases handled by our volunteers.

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