It's one day and you can make it count for The Pro Bono Project in a big way! On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 the Greater New Orleans Foundation is hosting GiveNOLA Day - an-all day online giving event to inspire the community to give generously to strengthen the non-profits in the metro New Orleans area.
The Project has set a fundraising goal of $11,665 for this 24-hour giving effort.
What's the meaning behind this odd number? This is our way of acknowledging the 1,665 cases that we serviced in 2013 and asking you to help us do even more to open the doors for those in need in 2014.
How You Can Help
As the Beatles might say, "It's easy!" Mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 6th and be ready to make an online donation to help The Project reach its goal of $11,665 in 24 hours!
Everyone can participate - the minimum donation is $10 and you can give as much as you can afford to give. Every dollar you give helps The Project multiply your donation through 'lagniappe dollars' and special prizes that GNOF and their many generous sponsors have set up to help all participating non-profits maximize this giving opportunity.
Here's the link to use on May 6, 2014 from midnight to midnight: GiveNOLA Day The Pro Bono Project
How else can you help?
Whether you're with a firm, corporation or organization, or you're a solo practitioner, consultant or individual supporter, be an advocate for The Project by asking your colleagues and associates to give at least $10 to help us continue to open the doors to the civil justice system for the underserved in our community. If you want to be an active participant for The Project in your organization or as an individual on GiveNOLA Day, please email Meredith Lapre for more information.
We know that many of you most likely work with and support numerous non-profits participating in GiveNOLA Day. We understand that and want this day to be a win-win for everyone. That's the beauty of the $10 minimum contribution - you can support all of the organizations that are near and dear to your heart. When we all win, our community wins. It takes the collective group of non-profits constantly fulfilling their various missions, just as we do, to keep our community and citizens vibrant and moving forward.
On GiveNOLA Day, we ask that you share our link with your family, friends and colleagues to support The Project's mission, as well as all sharing the appropriate links for the non-profit organizations you work with and support year-round. The more you share with others, the more we can all do in our metro community.