How can I pick, having managed 27 Justice For All Balls? Okay, if I have to, my favorite moment is when it’s over. Ask anyone who has the ultimate responsibility of managing a large signature event that builds upon itself year after year, and if they’re being honest, I’m sure you’d get the same answer.
As you’ve been reading the Tales of the Ball series, each Ball presents a unique set of challenges no matter how well prepared you are. You can’t control the weather, as you’ve learned, even with a backup rain plan. To tent or not, becomes an issue. Lovely September still finds us in the thick of humid, muggy summer weather, and a tent, no matter how elegant, captures the heat and humidity, leaving your guests with a nice dewy glow.
Fortunately, most guests are local and are use to our sticky weather. They easily distract themselves by visiting multiple stations of food, drink, and raffle and auction items while mingling with friends and colleagues. Some even dance into the evening enjoying our festively funky musical line up. Thankfully, each Ball always turned into a party – A Big Fun Party!
I learned a long time ago that special events are a beast unto themselves. But, when you can pull it off, and your guests are enjoying themselves, your mission is promoted, and all your hard work pays off financially, what’s not to love?
Yes, I had moments within the night of each Ball that are dear to me, as the vision and goal of the event all came together. In those moments, I could breathe a little deeper and feel more relaxed, while finally sneaking in a dance or two to help me go the distance until the final goodnight. Throughout the years, there were the many endearing moments with volunteers and all those working behind the scenes to help make this monster event happen, bringing their own special something to the evening’s fun.
Best wishes, CC, you have my full support. I know you will have a fantastic first Ball, and find many of your own favorite moments along the way.
— Rachel Piercey, Executive Director (retired)
JFAB 1989 to 2015
Help us to continue to open the doors for our clients and make the JFAB a big success by purchasing tickets for the 2018 Justice For All Ball or by making a direction donation.
If you have pictures from the early years of the JFAB, 1989 to 2004, please send them to CC Kahr. Likewise, if you have a client or JFAB story to share, please send it to CC Kahr
Photo Stack: (top to bottom) Rachel’s first Ball invitation, 1989, art by Lee Tucker, and her last Ball invitation, 2015, art by Michael Guidry. Rachel with JFAB photographer Marianne Sabrier in the center, and Ball guests.