Holidays bring families and friends together to celebrate the joy of the season. At The Pro Bono Project, we like to think of what we do as bringing "the heart of the season" throughout the year to those who have needed our services.
Our volunteers, staff, and Board bring passion and commitment to open the doors to civil justice for those people who otherwise might be forgotten, ignored, or marginalized. We are often the only witnesses to the profound change in our clients' experience and the relief that they express when we resolve their legal matter.
Support our mission. Male a donation today.
Coming Home
In a home with three children, a same-sex couple began to argue, and the police removed the children from the house.
Once placed in foster care, the biological mother came forward to admit that the children were in need of care, but not to the allegations set forth.
The Department of Children and Family Services worked with the biological mother on a case plan (a series of meetings and requirements the parent must abide by to be reunited with their children.)
Over several months, the mother ended the relationship with the abusive partner and completed all of the case plan goals.
In court, the judge applauded her dedication to her children and noted how pleased the court was with her progress. Her children were returned to her care, and the matter was closed.
Mission Fulfilled
This is just one of the stories from 2018, and there are so many more. Our mission fulfilled is at the heart of the season!
As this year comes to a close, we thank all of you who donated your time, talent and financial support throughout 2018 to make our mission count in so many lives within this community.
We need your help to continue to bring the heart of the season to the many families, children, seniors, and individuals in need of what only many of you can give – the skills and talents of a lawyer. Please make an investment in our mission and this community with your year-end financial gift in any amount.
We wish you and yours a warm and wonderful holiday as we celebrate the heart of the season!
The Board and Staff